
Each board is made from serveral layers of maple veneer. A regular skatboard is made from 7 Layers of 1.5mm thick hard maple veneer. From the crosslayed core veneer the veneer switches from cross to lenght until you have applied 3 layers on each side.

Our Slats are made from 12 layers of 0.8mm thick carnadian hard maple veneers. The core starts with 2 crosslayed veneers. The Front and the back side of the boards are covered with one of our unmatched walnut, zebrano or pallisander veneers to give it a beautiful rustical touch. Having thinner and more Layers makes it possible to get a more resistent board. This is imporant because the core, the inner 10 layers, of the board are pressed in the first step. When the glue has become hard the core gets the holes drilled for the magnets.

After that the boards needs to be glued up a secound time to get the last layers of maple veneer on each side and the final layer of one of our cover veneers.

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